This page is dedicated to the complete presentation of the editor. Here, the main goal is to summarize the different tools and features that are available to you for the creation of your maps. I will describe in detail how each tool works in the rest of this manual.
4.1 - General overview
Your editor window is divided into four main parts: a menu bar, a toolbar, the work window and an information bar. It looks like this:
4.2 - The menu bar
The menu bar is composed of 7 tabs: File, Edit, View, Map, Tools, Debug and Help.
- New → opens a new project.
- Open → opens an existing project.
- Save → save your current project.
- Save As → saves your current project under a new name.
- Import → import into your current project all or part of another project.
- Export → export all or part of your current project.
- ... → recently opened projects are displayed on these slots.
- Exit → closes the editor.
- Undo → cancels the last action.
- Redo → resets the last cancelled action.
- Copy → copy your selection
- Cut → cut your selection
- Paste → paste your selection
- Compound selection → creates a group of items from your selection.
- Create selection set → creates a group composed of several groups.
- Create continuous selection → ?
- Toggle free rotation → enables/disables the free rotation of a node.
- Flip direction → toggles the orientation of selected items
- Resolution → allows you to choose the resolution of the window of your Map Editor.
- Raise windows → ?
- Item Visibility → enables/disables the display of the selected items.
- Current Selection → displays information about the items placed in your selection.
- Show history → displays the history of the actions performed.
- Map markers → ?
- Map Notes → displays all the comments on your project.
- QA Bugs → displays all the bug reports present on your project.
- Mileage Target List → displays all the points created to calculate distances.
- Sun Shadows → activates/deactivates the shadows.
- View Distances → ?
- Disable cutplanes → activates/deactivates the effect of the cutplanes.
- KDOP bounds → visually displays the area occupied by an item.
- Gizmo → enables/disables the arrowheads or rotation circles (blue/green/red) that are displayed when selecting an item with the move or rotation tools.
- Grid → enables/disables the grid display (in top view only).
- Drop free camera to ground → allows you to block the free view at ground level, at cabin level or at a slightly higher level.
- Sound hookups → ?
- Wireframe → activates the wireframe view (only lines, no texture).
- Terrain quads → ?
- Terrain vertex offsets → ?
- Instanced geometry → enables/disables the display of items using geometric instantiation.
- Marker labels → ?
- Mileage Targets → ?
- Prefab side highlight → ?
- Vegetation Spheres → enables/disables the display of vegetation spheres.
- Lock vertices together with nodes → ?
- Validate [...] → These tools can be used to check for errors on certain items.
- Recompute map → rebuilds your card in its entirety. Useful feature when SCS Software releases an update.
- Recompte mileages → ? This function should probably be used to reset the calculation of distances to predefined targets ?
- Run map → launches your project in game. This function requires to have, in your mod folder, the latest version of your mod map. Therefore you can't make changes and test them directly in game. The function can be useful if your map is not at an advanced enough stage to allow you to test it directly in game.
- Content Browser → database containing all the items and textures present in the editor.
- Show current water levels → list of all water textures and their elevation level.
- Settings → editor's settings.
- Terrain Sculpt → a tool for shaping the land.
- UI Map → displays a window about the minimap.
- View Distance Debug Tool → tool that allows you to see the distance of the items from your position.
- Weather editor → time and weather management.
- Normal view → default view.
- [...] Check → checks the color levels.
- [...] view → activates different types of views to get information on certain types of items.