The editor has several tools to help you design your map project. We will explore them in more detail in this sheet. Each tool has its own features. That's why I think it's interesting to present them to you.
The content browser gathers all the items present in the editor. It will be your first ally in the creation of your map and you will use it continuously. Indeed, this tool allows you, among other things, to select the items you want to place on your map. To access the Content Browser, you can use a keyboard shortcut or use the menu bar:
<aside> ⌨️ F2
<aside> 🖱️ Tools → Content browser
It looks like this:
It is composed of 7 parts, each with its own purpose:
For your information, you will encounter items named DO_NOT_USE. SCS Software would like to warn you that these items should not be used in your map as they may cause it to crash in game. Generally, these are obsolete items that have been replaced by others but are still present in the editor for compatibility reasons.
Box “Type” This is a list of the different types of items in the editor. By selecting a type, the Content Browser will display only the items of the chosen type in the display area in the center.
Box “Categories” Each type of item is composed of several categories. They will allow you to better find the item you need. Some categories (those with an arrow) are also divided into sub-categories.
Box “Preview” This area will display the selected item (in 2D or 3D depending on the type). You also have some options :
by holding a left click on the object, you can rotate the object to view it from different angles.
by right-clicking, you will open a small options window that will allow you, for example, to preview the different variants of an item (when available).
Box “Information” This area is divided into several inserts, themselves divided into several lines. Here you will find all the information corresponding to the item selected in the display area.
Box “Collection” The Content Browser allows you to create your own collections of items to quickly find the items you use the most. To do so, you just have to do :
<aside> 🖱️ Right click in the area → Create collection
You will be asked to name your collection. Then, to add an item to your collection, simply drag and drop it from the display area to your collection. You can also configure your collections by right clicking on one of them. Also, it is possible to create sub-collections to better organize it. Finally, to remove an item from your collection, you must perform the following operation:
<aside> 🖱️ Right click on the item in your collection → Remove from [name of your collection]
*Here are a few last useful bits of information: